Book Non-fiction

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Book Non-fiction

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Got a story to tell of your local area or people that people ought to know about?

Have you worked out a much better way to present and perform a craft or skill?

Perhaps you need to prepare texts for distribution in a course structure but you also need your work look like it’s been done by a pro and not an amateur.

Then this is what we do and have done for decades. From short 10-20 page journals to massive 5000 page catalogues and operations manuals. We have the technology and have the processes in place to make the job straight forward for you. We will walk you through each step, so you know exactly where you are at in the production cycle.

With us, you will feel assured your valuable work is in safe hands.

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  • Select the options for your quote.
  • If you want us to help with the design, then select Create my Design, otherwise upload your print ready pdf file.
  • If you want more, click here to talk directly to us.