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How to Support Local Artisans – Artisans Affair 2024

Alan Litchfield and Karol Wilczynska, Ruru Artisans

Very pleased to get a special mention in the Northern Advocate in the lead up to the Artisan Affair happening 6-7 September, 2024 at the Te Ahu Centre in Kaitaia. We are going to be there with a range of beautiful products.

Printed Resources: The Art of Being Memorable


In an era dominated by screens and digital interactions, the humble printed material might seem like a relic of the past. However, there’s a compelling argument for why investing in physical printed materials can create a longer-lasting impression and foster deeper relationships with your customers than simply providing a digital link to online resources. Let’s explore the reasons why.

The Experience of a Specialist: Technical Documentation


Investing in high-quality technical documentation is an investment in your business’s future. It can streamline operations, improve customer satisfaction, enhance your brand image, and mitigate legal risks. Whether you choose printed, digital, or a hybrid approach, ensure your documentation is clear, accurate, and user-friendly.

Staying Connected in the Far North: A Guide to Modern Communication

Video Conference

Embracing diverse communication tools like email, Zoom, phone calls, instant messaging, project management, cloud storage, and social media can empower remote businesses in the Far North. A hybrid communication strategy leveraging the strengths of each platform fosters collaboration, builds relationships, and enhances business continuity, regardless of location or distance.

The Design Process

Design Process

AlphaByte takes clients on a creative journey from brief to print by interpreting project briefs, conducting research, conceptualizing initial designs, refining concepts through collaboration, crafting digital designs, and presenting them for feedback. Finally, they prepare print-ready files and deliver the final product, ensuring alignment with the client’s vision and goals.

Crafting Artistry: A Journey into Handmade Bookmaking

Leather bound book

Creating a short-run artistic book, especially about bookmaking history, merges traditional craftsmanship with modern techniques. The process involves handmade paper creation, letterpress printing, and leather binding. Unique features like decorative endpapers, headbands, and gilding transform these books into works of art, celebrating the enduring appeal of physical books.